Column Archive

NFL Washington Cheerleaders Go Public With Horrific Treatment
NFL Washington Cheerleaders Go Public With Horrific Treatment

May 4, 2018
The New York Times tells a story of cheerleaders feeling “pimped out” to team sponsors. 

Confrontation’: An Interview With Howard Bryant on Today’s Political Black Athlete
Confrontation’: An Interview With Howard Bryant on Today’s Political Black Athlete

April 30, 2018
Bryant’s new book explores what happens when black athletic struggle is revived, but collides with our post-9/11 world. 

Ex-Cheerleaders Fight Back Against the NFL
Ex-Cheerleaders Fight Back Against the NFL

April 27, 2018
And they're willing to settle for $1 and a face-to-face meeting with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Donald Trump and Jack Johnson Would Have Despised One Another
Donald Trump and Jack Johnson Would Have Despised One Another

April 23, 2018
Who is Trump to “pardon” anyone, least of all Jack Johnson?

How a Feminist Uprising Is Saving South American Soccer
How a Feminist Uprising Is Saving South American Soccer

April 20, 2018
Speaking to Brenda Elsey, who is in Buenos Aires, covering the sports and politics story that demands more attention.

Cincinnati’s Soccer Stadium Scam
Cincinnati’s Soccer Stadium Scam

April 19, 2018
The city should be addressing its high rates of child poverty, not building a third publicly funded stadium.

Eric Reid Is Not For Sale
Eric Reid Is Not For Sale

April 12, 2018
The free-agent NFL safety was told that he needed to commit to not protesting during the anthem. He said no.

Russell Westbrook Is ‘All-In’ With Oklahoma’s Striking Teachers
Russell Westbrook Is ‘All-In’ With Oklahoma’s Striking Teachers

April 9, 2018
The reigning NBA MVP is standing up for Oklahoma’s teachers.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence Have No Business Speaking About Martin Luther King Jr.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence Have No Business Speaking About Martin Luther King Jr.

April 5, 2018
When Colin Kaepernick and others attempted to walk in Dr. King’s path, they were excoriated by this administration.

Why Does Adidas Sponsor Soccer Teams in Illegal Settlements?
Why Does Adidas Sponsor Soccer Teams in Illegal Settlements?

April 2, 2018
A hundred and thirty Palestinian sports organizations have called on Adidas to stop branding teams in Israeli settlements.