In most cases, I've believed strongly in the right of professional athletes to state their political beliefs loudly and proudly. The concept that jocks should just "shut up and play" denigrates our collective freedom to stand up and be heard. But defending an athlete's right to speak is far from defending the political content of their words. Case and point: former NBA journeyman Paul Shirley.
In most cases, I've believed strongly in the right of professional athletes to state their political beliefs loudly and proudly. The concept that jocks should just "shut up and play" denigrates our collective freedom to stand up and be heard. But defending an athlete's right to speak is far from defending the political content of their words. Case and point: former NBA journeyman Paul Shirley.
Shirley, who fancies himself as a cultural critic on, thought it would be a good use of his time to blog about the ongoing disaster in
Then he penned an open letter to the Haitian people:
Dear Haitians – First of all, kudos on developing the poorest country in the
Sincerely, The Rest of the World
I had plans to write a political response to this excrement. I was going to wonder why someone would write something so hurtful while people are still digging their own family members out from the rubble. I was going to marvel at Paul Shirley's ignorance of
I was also going to suggest that he actually try to live on a dollar a day or care for someone H.I.V. positive who has no access to medicine. I wanted to dare him to work for ONE DAY in a garment industry sweatshop. I was going to write all of these things. But instead I think I'm just going to write my own open letter:
Dear Paul Shirley, I only wish your father had taken your own advice and worn a condom. Go to hell.
Sincerely, Dave Zirin
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