"Theater of the Absurd"
March 18, 2005
By: Dave Zirin
This is how Rep. Tom Lantos described Thursday
“A theater of the absurd.” This is how Rep. Tom Lantos described Thursday’s “steroid hearings” on Capital Hill. The description is apt. Viewers, as CSPAN and ESPN joined forces, witnessed hearings as pointless as they were, admittedly, riveting. Congress did not disappoint anyone who wanted to see the Elephants and Donkeys on both sides of the aisle mate and become a litter of Jackasses. Committee chair Tom Davis kicked off the day by stating, “We're not interested in embarrassing anyone or ruining careers or grandstanding...” Then he and his fellow members of congress set about preening like peacocks before the cameras, proving the adage that “modern politics is celebrity for ugly people.” First Davis
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