Column Archive

Palestinian Soccer Player Mahmoud Sarsak Won't Play FC Barcelona's Game
Palestinian Soccer Player Mahmoud Sarsak Won't Play FC Barcelona's Game

October 1, 2012
Mahmoud Sarsak is in the news again after refusing an invitation sent by the legendary team FC Barcelona to attend its October Clasico match next week against Real Madrid. Sarsak will not make the trip because FC Barcelona wants him there to mute planned protests against the presence of another person invited to attend the match, former Israeli Defense Forces soldier Sergeant Major Gilad Shalit.

It's Over: The NFL's Union Referees Return to Work in Style
It's Over: The NFL's Union Referees Return to Work in Style

September 27, 2012
The NFL referee lockout is over and we now have an answer to the question, "What does it take to pierce the shame-free cocoon of unreality where NFL owners reside?" All you need, it seems, is condemnation across the political spectrum ranging from the President of the United States to small-town mayors, to even anti-union corporate lickspittles like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. All you need is one of your flagship teams, the Green Bay Packers, publicly threatening to strike or "take a knee on every play." All you need are your star quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees blasting your product. All you need are online petitions with miles of signatures and 70,000 fans calling the league offices in the 24 hours following the debacle of a Monday night game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers. All of this collective scorn finally punctured the owners' magical mental space, bringing them to the negotiating table to settle.

NFL Scab Referees and the Return of TV Bloopers
NFL Scab Referees and the Return of TV Bloopers

September 24, 2012
It’s time for NFL players to move toward a secondary-strike so we can quickly move beyond what is quickly becoming one of the darker chapters in NFL history. Please do it, before someone really gets hurt.

Letter From Rio: Save Armando's House From the Olympics
Letter From Rio: Save Armando's House From the Olympics

September 20, 2012
You can’t understand what the 2016 Olympics are going to do to Rio de Janeiro, unless you understand what went into building Armando’s house.

Two Lockouts, A Strike, and a Pizza
Two Lockouts, A Strike, and a Pizza

September 13, 2012
Referees, NHL players and Chicago Teachers are discovering that they may have a lot in common. They are playing a game where the rules are rigged.

Chris Kluwe and the Greatest Political Statement by Any Athlete Ever
Chris Kluwe and the Greatest Political Statement by Any Athlete Ever

September 12, 2012
Speaking out always holds the risk of a backlash: especially for pro athletes and especially when standing up for LGBT equality. The Baltimore Ravens’ Brendan Ayanbadejo experienced that reality this week. Maryland State Delegate Emmett Burns told Ayanbadejo to shut up and play. But the Ravens veteran stood strong. That inspired an open letter by Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe that might have been the greatest political statement by any athlete in eons.

NFL Season Opens Under the Darkest of Shadows
NFL Season Opens Under the Darkest of Shadows

September 5, 2012
Beneath the fireworks, concerts, and breathless hype that will mark the start of the 2012 NFL season, is a league that’s haunted. It’s haunted by future Hall of Fame linebacker Junior Seau who killed himself in May at the age of 43. It’s haunted by the recent suicides of Ray Easterling, Dave Duerson, and OJ Murdock. It’s haunted by the now widespread knowledge that the country's most popular sport can leave you damaged in ways never before suspected.

Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas Speaks Out, Is Smacked Down
Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas Speaks Out, Is Smacked Down

September 3, 2012
When it comes to “jocks for justice” there are two broad categories: “the explicit” and “the representative.” “The explicit” are people like Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King and Steve Nash: athletes who explicitly used their cultural capital to make political stands. The “representative” are those who become political symbols because they were trailblazers in their respective sports. Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters and Greg Louganis don’t necessarily have a record of political stands, but by virtue of their talent and ability to break through barriers, they carry the aspirations of countless others. Well, Gabrielle Douglas, is, at age 16, making a transition to being more explicit. She’s also learning that this comes with a price.

Why are the NFL Refs Locked Out? It's All in the Game
Why are the NFL Refs Locked Out? It's All in the Game

August 28, 2012
Although anathema to NFL fans across the country, we should recognize that sometimes a punter shall lead us. It was Minnesota Viking’s punter Chris Kluwe who took to twitter and said what has been so painfully obvious through three weeks of the National Football League's pre-season: “The NFL really needs to kiss and make up with the refs. These replacements are horrible. Frankly, it’s kind of embarrassing.”  It’s embarrassing that members of the NFL Players Association, who are part of the AFL-CIO, will, once on the field, be under the authority of scabs.

What They Can't Take From Lance Armstrong
What They Can't Take From Lance Armstrong

August 27, 2012
If Joe Paterno represents the greatest fall from grace in the history of sports, then many are saying that Lance Armstrong might now have won the silver. On Thursday, Armstrong was stripped of all seven of his Tour de France cycling crowns and will be banned for life from any connection to the sport he made famous.