Column Archive

The Eagleton has Landed: A Response on Sports and Society
The Eagleton has Landed: A Response on Sports and Society

June 22, 2010
Terry Eagleton has been one of the great minds of the European left seemingly since Cromwell. But in his recent piece on Comment is free, Football: A Dear Friend to Capitalism, his absence of understanding on the relationship between sport and modern society demands a response.

Glenn Beck's Blues: Why the Far Right Hates Soccer
Glenn Beck's Blues: Why the Far Right Hates Soccer

June 14, 2010
Every World Cup, it arrives like clockwork. As sure as the ultimate soccer spectacle brings guaranteed adrenaline and agony to fans across the United States, it also drives the right-wing noise machine utterly insane.

“At least under Apartheid…..” South Africa on the Eve of the World Cup
“At least under Apartheid…..” South Africa on the Eve of the World Cup

June 10, 2010
Finally, after 80 years, the World Cup has come to Africa. We should take a moment to celebrate that this most global of sports has finally made its way to the African continent, nesting in the bucolic country of South Africa. But really we should take only a moment.


June 7, 2010
I was furious at umpire Jim Joyce for robbing Armando Galarraga from a perfect game. But the reactions of the players involved have compelled everyone toward compassion.

History as Handi-Wipe: Rush Limbaugh is Not Muhammad Ali
History as Handi-Wipe: Rush Limbaugh is Not Muhammad Ali

June 1, 2010
Tuesday morning on National Public Radio, Rush Limbaugh's biographer Zev Chafets equated the object of his affection to boxing's own Muhammad Ali. This is not a joke.

Memo to Bud Selig: Move the Damn Game
Memo to Bud Selig: Move the Damn Game

May 25, 2010
A steady thrum is increasing in volume outside Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig's door to move the 2011 All Star Game out of Phoenix. Recent laws passed in Arizona—from banning ethnic studies in the Tucson public schools to mandating that the police demand the papers of “suspicious” immigrants—have mobilized people to take the Boycott Arizona campaign to Selig's door.

Crooklyn: New Jersey Nets Sold to Russian Billionaire
Crooklyn: New Jersey Nets Sold to Russian Billionaire

May 24, 2010
With a bank account estimated at in excess of $13 billion, there is little Mikhail Prokhorov wants that he cannot have. But the ease with which Russia’s richest man bought the NBA’s New Jersey Nets speaks volumes about the ailing financial state of the league and the future of Brooklyn

"We're trying to get a deal done" Interview with NFLPA President DeMaurice Smith
"We're trying to get a deal done" Interview with NFLPA President DeMaurice Smith

May 20, 2010
When DeMaurice Smith was elected president of the NFLPA in March 2009, there was a pronounced surprise that the replacement for the late Gene Upshaw wasn't an ex-player but a former U.S. attorney. Now a little more than a year into his tenure, Smith is preparing for a lockout when the CBA expires after next season. We caught up with Smith in Washington, D.C where he was a guest on Edge of Sports radio.

Boycott Phil Jackson: Why Lakers Fans should Root for Los Suns
Boycott Phil Jackson: Why Lakers Fans should Root for Los Suns

May 17, 2010
Lakers Coach Phil Jackson's views on Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 make his team's upcoming series against Los Suns, a battle between fear and resistance.

That's Bill Russell
That's Bill Russell

May 14, 2010
At a cocktail party before the festivities, I approached Russell with more than a little trepidation. Most of us in sports media have had the experience of meeting one of our heroes and wishing we'd saved ourselves the trouble. There's a part of us that doesn't think our idols have the right to be cranky, grumpy, silly, stinky - in other words human. Sometimes the fantasy is best left untouched. That wasn't the case with Bill Russell.