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No One is Illegal: Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks
April 24, 2010
This will be the last column I write about the Arizona Diamondbacks in the foreseeable future. For me, they do not exist. They will continue to not exist in my mind as long as the horribly named “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” remains law in Arizona. It's a law that has brought echoes of apartheid to the state.
Burying Juan Antonio Samaranch
April 22, 2010
They say the famous among us die in threes. That certainly is what happened this past week. The grand matriarch of the civil rights movement, Dorothy Height passed away at age 98. Guru, the hip-hop artist of Gang Starr and Jazzmatazz fame succumbed at 43 to cancer. Then we heard about the passing of former International Olympic Committee chief, Juan Antonio Samaranch at the age of 89. Apologies to the Guru and Dorothy Height. Your traveling companion to the afterlife will be less than pleasant. But at least you should end up at different destinations.
Ben Roethlisberger: No Justice, No Play?
April 20, 2010
Ben Roethlisberger should be thanking the heavens that he possesses the unique skill to throw a football sixty yards. If he was Ben the 28 year old mill worker accused of raping a 20 year old student in the bathroom of a college town bar, he’d be in prison awaiting trial.
A Stadium Grows in Durban
April 17, 2010
I have been to many a playing field in my day, and never have I seen a sports arena as breathtaking as Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban, South Africa. After taking a private tour of the $457 million marvel, I left utterly stunned, for both better and worse.
Clock Almost Striking Midnight for Big Ben
April 13, 2010
In searching through all the historical and media data at my disposal, I can’t find one solitary example of a professional athlete suffering two entirely disconnected accusations of sexual assault over one eight month period. Enter Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, our very own Jackie Robinson of misogyny, arrogance and entitlement.
The Nike Ad: Tiger the Brand Finally Conquers Tiger the Man
April 8, 2010
I really believed that in the wake of his Odyssey of scandal and humiliation, there would be a showdown inside Tiger's soul between the brand and the man. I couldn't have been more wrong. There is no man, only brand. If he wants to dehumanize himself on his own time then more power to him. But this ad dehumanizes all of us.
The Hate Crime: A Question Tiger Woods must Answer
April 5, 2010
Tiger Woods has long maintained he was the victim of a Kindergarten hate crime. Now his teacher is saying that story is a lie. Here's one issue Tiger cannot ignore.
Let Caster Run!
April 2, 2010
Caster Semenya showed up to race in Stellenbosch, South Africa, this week and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) wouldn't let her run. Before we get into the specifics, let's take a moment to appreciate the courage involved in her simple desire to compete. Imagine walking in the woods during hunting season dressed as a deer. Now you can understand what Caster Semenya has chosen to risk. She was inviting fire. The 19-year-old world record-holding runner arrived at Stellenbosch to announce her return to competitive running even though she was on suicide watch last fall. Even though she was the subject of heartless attacks. Even though she was a bull's-eye for every bigot in and out of the sports world.
Brittney Griner: Your March Madness MVP
March 29, 2010
A 6’ 8” freshman is changing the way we understand hoops in the NCAA tournament and you’d never know it. Maybe it’s because she's not a fresh-MAN at all.
The Gilbert Arenas Judgment: "Privilege" Personified?
March 26, 2010
When Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas escaped jail time, many started to howl at the moon. They should save their outrage.
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