Column Archive

When Paint is Not Enough: NBA All Star Weekend Comes to New Orleans
When Paint is Not Enough: NBA All Star Weekend Comes to New Orleans

February 20, 2008
Last weekend the NBA All-Star Game came to New Orleans, and both players as well as the league attempted to leave something positive behind. But the problems in NOLA far transcend what David Stern and the NBA brought to the table.

Amongst the Slime: Rocket Roger Comes to Congress
Amongst the Slime: Rocket Roger Comes to Congress

February 15, 2008
Before we discuss any part of the Roger Clemens steroid kabuki theater, let's concede that there are only about 1,500 ways we can think of where the Government Oversight Committee's time could be better spent. This is Government Oversight, remember. That means they could be sending subpoenas to find out why  Bush and Friends are so keen on bugging our phones, or drilling in Alaska, or underfunding the VA. Hell, they could be holding hearings on how Bush got that black eye reaching for a pretzel a few years back. Anything, but this.

Soccer Star Stands for Gaza
Soccer Star Stands for Gaza

February 6, 2008
Egyptian soccer star Mohamed Aboutreika is a player who believes that you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything . It’s probably true that most readers don’t know Mohamed Aboutreika from Muhammad Ali, but the two men share far more than a name. After scoring in the Egyptian national side’s 3-0 victory over Sudan in the African Nations Cup, the player known as the Smiling Assassin lifted his jersey to reveal a T-shirt that read, “Sympathize with Gaza.”

We Might Be Giants
We Might Be Giants

February 4, 2008
Super Bowl XLII was supposed to be a coronation of the 18-0 New England Patriots. From the hype of the pre-game show, you'd get the impression the Patriots weren't even facing a carbon- based opponent: they were playing history. The New York Giants were given no chance. Yet after a last-ditch touchdown drive by quarterback Eli Manning, and a stunning thirty-two-yard catch by Giants receiver David Tyree--who used his helmet as a hand--we got an ending no screenwriter would have the sand to write. The Giants win is the sports equivalent of standing in front of a tank and willing it to stop

The Super Bowl: Who Stole the Soul?
The Super Bowl: Who Stole the Soul?

February 1, 2008
Before it is anything else, before it’s even a football game, the Super Bowl is first and foremost a two week entertainment festival for the rich and shameless: a corporate Woodstock with suits and sports cars subbing for ponchos and patchouli. Less free love and drugs, more hookers and scotch.

The Firestone Strikes Back
The Firestone Strikes Back

January 30, 2008
Edge of Sports Nation – Well. my column on Super Bowl sponsor Bridgestone-Firestone’s noxious labor practices in Liberia ended up on the desk of Bridgestone-Firestone President Dan Adomitis.The LA Times printed Boss Adomitis’s response as well as my response to his response (um… that clear?)

Male Fraud: What we are Missing at Rutgers
Male Fraud: What we are Missing at Rutgers

January 28, 2008

Super Bowl Slavery
Super Bowl Slavery

January 22, 2008

Dennis Brutus Smacks Down Hall of Fame
Dennis Brutus Smacks Down Hall of Fame

January 15, 2008

It's To Lynch a Tiger?!?
It's To Lynch a Tiger?!?

January 11, 2008