Column Archive

The NBA Draft: Prom Night Gets Political
The NBA Draft: Prom Night Gets Political

June 29, 2006
This column has argued that pro-sports were on the precipice of reflecting the divisions, polarization, and anger in our society. The NBA draft last night gave a terrific window to this emerging trend: both inside and outside Madison Square Garden.

Racism Stalks the Cup
Racism Stalks the Cup

June 11, 2006
The most watched tournament in the universe, the World Cup, opens today amid fears that an open and violent racism could upstage the games, humiliate its German hosts, and provide an international platform for Neo-Nazi swill. The rising number of attacks on non-whites in Germany, combined with a spate of racist sloganeering and taunting of black soccer players throughout Europe, has set the stage for an unprecedented display of racism on a global sports stage.

Go Tell it on the Rockies: Baseball's Faith-based Team
Go Tell it on the Rockies: Baseball's Faith-based Team

June 2, 2006
In Colorado, there stands a holy shrine called Coors Field. On this site, named for the holiest of beers, a team plays that has been chosen by Jesus Christ himself to play .500 baseball in the National League West. And if you don't believe me just ask the manager, the general manager, and the team's owner.

Ricky Williams Dreams of Canada
Ricky Williams Dreams of Canada

May 26, 2006
Most football fans in the United States think about the Canadian Football League about as often as George W. Bush ponders atheism. Even Canadians don't fret excessively about the CFL. In the Maple Leaf pantheon of sports, the CFL ranks somewhere below hockey, curling and flicking Celine Dion CDs for distance. But NFL executives are very aware of the world of Canadian Football. It is viewed, warily, like an outlaw brother-in-law crashing on your couch; something to resent and, in a back-handed way, envy--his freedom mocking your buttoned-down reality.

Using Soccer to Kick Iran
Using Soccer to Kick Iran

May 17, 2006
Politics cannot be separated from the World Cup any more than it can be from the Olympics. Sometimes this is for the best: For example, Africans throughout the continent exulted in Senegal's shocking upset of its former colonizer, France, in the first game of the 2002 Cup. This year, however, German and US politicians have seized on the tournament to intensify the saber rattling aimed at Tehran.

Bonding With the Babe
Bonding With the Babe

May 9, 2006
The description of a mercurial, complicated, egomaniacal star whose personal behavior might skirt legality is one that matches not only Bonds but Ruth as well.

A Day Without Pujols or A Day Without Immigrants (Baseball Edition)
A Day Without Pujols or A Day Without Immigrants (Baseball Edition)

April 30, 2006
This year, in a delicious twist of fate, mass May Day protests will return to the United States led largely by people born beyond its borders. May Day 2006 is being called the Great American Boycott,

Privilege Meets Protest at Duke
Privilege Meets Protest at Duke

April 18, 2006

On Bonds: You're Damn Right Race Matters
On Bonds: You're Damn Right Race Matters

March 31, 2006
Is Barry Bonds the object of a racist witch-hunt? Over the last week I have had to publicly argue this issue against some of the finest minds of my generation (all right, John Rocker and Jose Canseco). In addition, I have duked it out on talk radio, sports radio, email chats, and various blogs. The dominant argument I hear repeatedly, whether from Mr. Rocker or Mr. Liberal Blogger, is that I am an idiot if I think that the Bonds steroid-mania is all about bigotry run amok. Unfortunately that is not my argument.

Big League Identity Crisis
Big League Identity Crisis

March 17, 2006
The World Baseball Classic, March