Column Archive

Online Gambling Has Swallowed Professional Sports
Online Gambling Has Swallowed Professional Sports

March 27, 2024
Sports leagues partnered with legal gambling operations to fill their coffers. The deals are bringing in millions, but now they threaten to undermine what makes sports special.

Palestine Shows Up for FIFA. FIFA Turns Its Back on Palestine.
Palestine Shows Up for FIFA. FIFA Turns Its Back on Palestine.

March 18, 2024
FIFA has chosen to say nothing while Israel massacres Palestinian soccer players, coaches, and sports officials.

Jonathan Glazer’s Brave Oscar Speech Represents the Best of Judaism
Jonathan Glazer’s Brave Oscar Speech Represents the Best of Judaism

March 11, 2024
Instead of confronting what the director of The Zone of Interest actually said, Zionists distorted his lines.

The Future of College Sports Is Unionized
The Future of College Sports Is Unionized

March 7, 2024
The Dartmouth basketball team just voted to join SEIU Local 560, a big step toward ending the exploitation of college athletes.

Joe Frazier: The Real Rocky
Joe Frazier: The Real Rocky

March 5, 2024

The First Athletes to Speak Out Are the Bravest
The First Athletes to Speak Out Are the Bravest

March 1, 2024
To encourage others, we must protect and celebrate the first wave of signatories to the Athletes for Ceasefire statement.

The War on Transgender Kids Took the Life of Nex Benedict
The War on Transgender Kids Took the Life of Nex Benedict

February 22, 2024
America eats its young through legislation that valorizes bullying.

To Find Excitement at the NBA All-Star Game, Look to the Stands
To Find Excitement at the NBA All-Star Game, Look to the Stands

February 20, 2024
Members of the Palestinian Youth Movement and Jewish Voice for Peace unfurled a banner that read “Let Gaza Live.”

What the Super Bowl Parade Shooting Has to Do With the Empire of the Gun
What the Super Bowl Parade Shooting Has to Do With the Empire of the Gun

February 15, 2024
A mass shooting during the Kansas City Chiefs’ championship celebration reveals something dark about this country and the violence it exports around the world.

The First Thing We Should Remember About the Super Bowl Is the Massacre
The First Thing We Should Remember About the Super Bowl Is the Massacre

February 12, 2024
During the year’s biggest television event in the US, Israel launched an attack on Rafah, hoping Americans wouldn’t notice. Now, the strikes are part of NFL history.