Column Archive

Mike Trout’s Mega Deal and Baseball’s Economic Rot
Mike Trout’s Mega Deal and Baseball’s Economic Rot

March 20, 2019
While the sports media celebrate baseball’s mega deals, the majority of teams have cut payroll.

US Women’s Soccer and the Fight for Pay Equity
US Women’s Soccer and the Fight for Pay Equity

March 18, 2019
On International Women’s Day, a lawsuit dropped that sent a shock wave through the world of soccer. 

Could the Utah Jazz Be Turning a Corner?
Could the Utah Jazz Be Turning a Corner?

March 13, 2019
A racist heckle and an unrepentant player, and maybe a light of progress. 

Does the NBA Have a Mental-Health Crisis on Its Hands?
Does the NBA Have a Mental-Health Crisis on Its Hands?

March 7, 2019
Depression and anxiety among players is not something to scoff at or shame. It’s an objective fact, and a real product of their jobs.

Transphobia’s New Target Is the World of Sports
Transphobia’s New Target Is the World of Sports

March 5, 2019
First it was bathrooms, now it’s athletics.

Martina Navratilova Is Expelled From an LGBTQ Advocacy Group Over Transphobia Accusations
Martina Navratilova Is Expelled From an LGBTQ Advocacy Group Over Transphobia Accusations

February 25, 2019
The tennis legend’s Sunday Times column saying that trans women should not be allowed in women’s sports provoked her expulsion.

Will Maryland College Athletes Be Unionized?
Will Maryland College Athletes Be Unionized?

February 20, 2019
A bill being put forward in the Maryland statehouse will give college athletes union protection. 

Colin Kaepernick Settles His Collusion Case With the NFL
Colin Kaepernick Settles His Collusion Case With the NFL

February 15, 2019
A confidentially agreement prevents us from knowing the details, but the fact that the NFL was willing to settle tells us a great deal. 

Wisconsin Republicans Literally Erased Colin Kaepernick From Black History Month
Wisconsin Republicans Literally Erased Colin Kaepernick From Black History Month

February 14, 2019
They said Kaepernick was “too controversial” to be commemorated.

Frank Robinson Was a Fearless Speaker of Truth
Frank Robinson Was a Fearless Speaker of Truth

February 8, 2019
He was so much more than an athlete. He was a fighter, and we could use more like him today.