Column Archive

Olympian Adam Rippon Stands Up to Mike Pence’s Homophobia
Olympian Adam Rippon Stands Up to Mike Pence’s Homophobia

January 19, 2018
Joining the historic ranks of Olympic dissenters, the first openly gay US Winter Olympian has challenged the Oval Office. 

The NBA Has Become a Site of Resistance Against Racism and Trump
The NBA Has Become a Site of Resistance Against Racism and Trump

January 17, 2018
MLK Day wasn’t a day for syrupy tributes, as players connected King’s holiday to the current moment.

Colin Kaepernick Has Shown That Courage Is Contagious
Colin Kaepernick Has Shown That Courage Is Contagious

January 11, 2018
And sports, of all things, has become an arena of tenacious resistance.

Jaylen Brown and the Evolution of the Activist Athlete
Jaylen Brown and the Evolution of the Activist Athlete

January 11, 2018
By offering a systemic critique of racism and poverty, the 21-year-old is demonstrating how to bring depth to our political discussions.

Donald Trump and College Football: A Match Made in Helld
Donald Trump and College Football: A Match Made in Helld

January 8, 2018
Trump and the NCAA agree on the fundamentals: silencing black athletes and exploitation.

Aaron Maybin Stands Up for Baltimore Students on the Brink
Aaron Maybin Stands Up for Baltimore Students on the Brink

January 5, 2018
Palace intrigue makes for good copy. But real suffering takes place in its shadows.

The NFL Chose to Tank Its Season Rather Than Sign Colin Kaepernick
The NFL Chose to Tank Its Season Rather Than Sign Colin Kaepernick

January 2, 2018
Billion dollar teams choosing to fail rather than sign Kaepernick is a scandal for reasons beyond wins and losses. 

The Israeli Sports Minister Is Using the NBA to Further an Anti-Palestine PR Campaign
The Israeli Sports Minister Is Using the NBA to Further an Anti-Palestine PR Campaign

December 29, 2017
Miri Regev, who once called African migrants “a cancer,” claims to have pressured the NBA into removing mention of Israeli occupation of Palestine from its website.

2017 in Sports and Politics: The Return of the Backlash
2017 in Sports and Politics: The Return of the Backlash

December 19, 2017
Following an old script, right-wing racist minions spent this year trying to make athlete activists pay a price for being conscious.

Charles Barkley’s Politics Demand Criticism
Charles Barkley’s Politics Demand Criticism

December 14, 2017
The NBA legend speaks beautifully about class, but when it comes to race, his views leave much to be desired.