Column Archive

The Houston Texans Showed the Power and Dignity of Black Labor
The Houston Texans Showed the Power and Dignity of Black Labor

October 30, 2017
An owner called them inmates. Instead, they showed that they are workers with a collective sense of their power.

Looks Like Jerry Jones Isn’t Going to Punish His Players for Protesting After All
Looks Like Jerry Jones Isn’t Going to Punish His Players for Protesting After All

October 25, 2017
The response to David Irving’s raised fist is just another sign of how much ground NFL owners have lost—and how much humanity NFL players have reclaimed.

Colin Kaepernick Was Mocked and Threatened for Taking a Knee. He’s Also Winning.
Colin Kaepernick Was Mocked and Threatened for Taking a Knee. He’s Also Winning.

October 19, 2017
Protesting players have wrung major concessions out of the NFL.

Player Protests Are Not a Spectator Sport
Player Protests Are Not a Spectator Sport

October 16, 2017
Amplifying the movement is critical, it is not a substitute for a movement in and of itself.

‘A Soulless Coward’: Coach Gregg Popovich Responds to Trump
‘A Soulless Coward’: Coach Gregg Popovich Responds to Trump

October 16, 2017
In an exclusive here at The Nation, the Spurs coach speaks about Trump’s latest outrage.

Jerry Jones Is the NFL’s Biggest Distraction
Jerry Jones Is the NFL’s Biggest Distraction

October 13, 2017
The twisted morality of the Dallas Cowboys owner is finally coming home to roost.

NFL Owners and ESPN Bosses Are Showing Which Side They Are On
NFL Owners and ESPN Bosses Are Showing Which Side They Are On

October 10, 2017
There is a backlash brewing in the world of sports against dissenters, and the lines have been drawn.

Mike Pence’s NFL Walkout Was a Cheap, Transparent Stunt
Mike Pence’s NFL Walkout Was a Cheap, Transparent Stunt

October 9, 2017
For which taxpayers picked up the tab.

Protesting NFL Players Aren’t Being Demonized Only by Trumpers
Protesting NFL Players Aren’t Being Demonized Only by Trumpers

October 5, 2017
A column in USA Today repackages an old, ugly argument to attack protesting NFL players.

There’s Been a Shocking Shift in National Support for Protesting Players
There’s Been a Shocking Shift in National Support for Protesting Players

October 3, 2017
But we need to ask whether the original anti-racist message is getting lost in the shuffle.