Column Archive

Stand With Michael Bennett, Even if It’s Uncomfortable
Stand With Michael Bennett, Even if It’s Uncomfortable

September 6, 2017
The Seattle Seahawks Pro Bowler and anthem protester needs to know that he does not stand alone.

The Houston Stadium Grift Comes Home to Roost
The Houston Stadium Grift Comes Home to Roost

August 31, 2017
As the waters rise, it is unconscionable to keep spending money on sports arenas so billionaires can plunder and vultures like Joel Osteen can stay on the grift.

The NFL Is More Comfortable With Concussions Than Conscience
The NFL Is More Comfortable With Concussions Than Conscience

August 24, 2017
At a massive rally for Colin Kaepernick outside NFL headquarters, speakers called out the league's hypocrisy.

White NFL Players and the Politics of Solidarity
White NFL Players and the Politics of Solidarity

August 21, 2017
We are reminded that there is a difference between calling for justice and calling for peace.

Chris Long Makes the Gesture We’ve Been Waiting For
Chris Long Makes the Gesture We’ve Been Waiting For

August 18, 2017
“I thought it was important that athletes with my skin color stood up with others protesting for racial equality.” With that line, a conversation has been changed.

Trump’s Message to the Country: #NotAllNazis
Trump’s Message to the Country: #NotAllNazis

August 15, 2017
The press conference of August 15th will live in infamy.

Will Charlottesville Provoke White Athletes to Stand Up Against Racist Hate?
Will Charlottesville Provoke White Athletes to Stand Up Against Racist Hate?

August 14, 2017
Want to demoralize the fascist right? We need their white athletic heroes telling them to go to hell.

Activists Are Rallying for Colin Kaepernick, but Aiming Far Higher Than One Man’s Career
Activists Are Rallying for Colin Kaepernick, but Aiming Far Higher Than One Man’s Career

August 9, 2017
Protesters will rally for racial justice and free speech outside the NFL headquarters on August 23.

An Elite Soccer Team Protests ICE After Their Teammate Is Detained
An Elite Soccer Team Protests ICE After Their Teammate Is Detained

August 7, 2017
Lizandro Claros had a soccer scholarship waiting for him, but Trump’s agenda turned a promising future on its head.

Colin Kaepernick Finally Has a Shot at Getting Signed, but a High-Profile Trump Apologist Stands in His Way
Colin Kaepernick Finally Has a Shot at Getting Signed, but a High-Profile Trump Apologist Stands in His Way

August 2, 2017
The embattled quarterback is often derided as “divisive”—but it’s Ray Lewis who is dividing Baltimore.