Column Archive

Victory! USA Women’s Hockey Team Just Won Their Strike
Victory! USA Women’s Hockey Team Just Won Their Strike

March 29, 2017
These women have shown female athletes as well as the labor movement what winning looks like.

The US Women’s Ice Hockey Team Is on Strike—and the Solidarity Is Stunning
The US Women’s Ice Hockey Team Is on Strike—and the Solidarity Is Stunning

March 28, 2017
The effort to find “replacement players” is backfiring.

Donald Trump May Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Colin Kaepernick
Donald Trump May Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Colin Kaepernick

March 23, 2017
Trump’s boasts about keeping Colin Kaepernick unemployed may actually help him find work.

NCAA Players Should Strike at the Final Four
NCAA Players Should Strike at the Final Four

March 21, 2017
They have the power to force a change, but only if they refuse to be pawns in someone else’s game.

Here’s Why the US Women’s National Hockey Team Is Going on Strike
Here’s Why the US Women’s National Hockey Team Is Going on Strike

March 16, 2017
This is “a fight they don’t want, but must have.”

Your March Madness Bracket Is Exploiting Student-Athletes
Your March Madness Bracket Is Exploiting Student-Athletes

March 13, 2017
The NCAA has become a bigger and bigger business—but athletes are in the same position they’ve been for decades.

Will FIFA Ever Stand Up to Israeli Teams in Illegal Settlements?
Will FIFA Ever Stand Up to Israeli Teams in Illegal Settlements?

March 9, 2017
Human-rights organizations have a simple demand for FIFA: Follow your own bylaws.

Colin Kaepernick Has Not Stopped Fighting Injustice Just Because He’s Stopped Kneeling
Colin Kaepernick Has Not Stopped Fighting Injustice Just Because He’s Stopped Kneeling

March 6, 2017
The scathing criticism aimed at Colin Kaepernick for ending his protests of the national anthem is hypocrisy writ large.

My-King Johnson Is the First Openly Gay Scholarship Football Player in History
My-King Johnson Is the First Openly Gay Scholarship Football Player in History

March 2, 2017
His story represents the future of LGBT athletes.

‘Where Did You Get Your Name From?’ Muhammad Ali Jr. Is Detained by Immigration Officials
‘Where Did You Get Your Name From?’ Muhammad Ali Jr. Is Detained by Immigration Officials

February 25, 2017
This president extolled Muhammad Ali upon his death and now passes policies that detain his son.