Column Archive

 The Trailer for ‘Concussion’ Should Give Roger Goodell Night Sweats
 The Trailer for ‘Concussion’ Should Give Roger Goodell Night Sweats

August 31, 2015
 The forthcoming film Concussion, starring Will Smith, is coming for the NFL.

The Saints Did Not Save New Orleans
The Saints Did Not Save New Orleans

August 29, 2015
The team has had nearly as tumultuous a decade as the city itself, a reflection of how New Orleans has changed.

Cris Carter: The Fall Guy
Cris Carter: The Fall Guy

August 25, 2015
Comments by Cris Carter that NFL players need a “fall guy” to take the blame for crimes aren’t just shocking. They reflect a broader culture of scapegoating in the league.

Today’s Sports News Would Boggle the Mind of a 1965 Sportswriter
Today’s Sports News Would Boggle the Mind of a 1965 Sportswriter

August 21, 2015
If a sportswriter from 50 years ago traveled to 2015, they would think the world had been turned on its head.

The Absurd, Cowardly, and Morally Bankrupt NLRB Decision Against the Northwestern Football Union
The Absurd, Cowardly, and Morally Bankrupt NLRB Decision Against the Northwestern Football Union

August 17, 2015
The National Labor Relations Board may have ruled against the Northwestern football players’ efforts to organize, but this fight is far from over.

Hurricane Katrina and the Revival of the Political Athlete
Hurricane Katrina and the Revival of the Political Athlete

August 14, 2015
After Hurricane Katrina, athletes spoke out in rage for the first time in decades. It can’t stop and it won’t stop.

Why the Police Killing of Football Player Christian Taylor Matters
Why the Police Killing of Football Player Christian Taylor Matters

August 10, 2015
Without the resilience of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the shooting of this unarmed black man would have gone unnoticed.

A Year Since The Killing of Michael Brown, a Year of Sports Being Shaped by Struggle
A Year Since The Killing of Michael Brown, a Year of Sports Being Shaped by Struggle

August 6, 2015
The last year since Ferguson has seen a profound intersection of sports and politics, in the shape of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

The Water in Rio Is Full of Sludge and Rotting Fish—And Olympians Are Supposed to Swim in It
The Water in Rio Is Full of Sludge and Rotting Fish—And Olympians Are Supposed to Swim in It

August 3, 2015
Athletes who participate in water sports will carry an infection risk of 99 percent.

Why Tom Brady Is Worth Defending
Why Tom Brady Is Worth Defending

July 31, 2015
A conversation about Tom Brady and union power with the NFLPA’s George Atallah.