Column Archive

Alex Rodriguez and the Pink Elephant in the room
Alex Rodriguez and the Pink Elephant in the room

August 6, 2013
Almost all the suspended players are from the Dominican Republic. This isn't coincidence or happenstance. It's the set-up of our globalized National Pastime in the 21st century.

Alex Rodriguez & "The Best Interests of the Game"
Alex Rodriguez & "The Best Interests of the Game"

August 4, 2013
As a profoundly unsympathetic player faces an unprecedented suspension, the Major League Baseball Players Association needs to ask, "What would Marvin Miller do?"

On Vultures and Red Wings: Billionaire Gets New Sports Arena in Bankrupt Detroit
On Vultures and Red Wings: Billionaire Gets New Sports Arena in Bankrupt Detroit

July 30, 2013
The headline juxtaposition boggles the mind. You have, on one day, “Detroit Files Largest Municipal Bankruptcy in History.” Then on the next, you have “Detroit Plans to Pay For New Red Wings Hockey Arena Despite Bankruptcy.”

Is the NFL Really Stupid Enough to Hire 'Gang Tattoo Experts' to Examine Players?
Is the NFL Really Stupid Enough to Hire 'Gang Tattoo Experts' to Examine Players?

July 26, 2013
Call it football’s worst idea since helmets without face guards and the ten-dollar beer.

Down Goes Ryan Braun... with an Assist from his Union
Down Goes Ryan Braun... with an Assist from his Union

July 23, 2013
Ryan Braun's suspension for the remainder of 2013 strongly signals thenew reality that pits the MLBPA and the owners against those on the field who are tainted by accusations of PED use.

The Slandering of NY Jet Oday Aboushi
The Slandering of NY Jet Oday Aboushi

July 15, 2013
Why would Yahoo! Sports publish a piece that accuses an NFL player of anti-Semitism without one solitary quote or piece of actual evidence. This is worse than your typical “keep your politics out of my sports” hit piece. It’s slander.

"America's Justice System is Broken": Athletes Speak Out on Trayvon Martin
"America's Justice System is Broken": Athletes Speak Out on Trayvon Martin

July 15, 2013
 In the aftermath of the shock/gutpunch/depressingly expected verdict that set Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman free, athletes are speaking out. 

Look Out Fans! NFL Players Gonna Get Your Mama!
Look Out Fans! NFL Players Gonna Get Your Mama!

July 1, 2013
Put together crime hysteria and the NFL and we have what can only be described as a cultural nocturnal emission.

Brazil: Yes, Blame the Damn World Cup
Brazil: Yes, Blame the Damn World Cup

June 27, 2013
Sepp Blatter, the all-powerful don of FIFA; Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil; and Pelé, the legendary soccer star; are three extremely different people. But they all share the same perspective about the demonstrations rocking every major city in Brazil: Don’t even think about blaming the World Cup.

In Brazil, Listen for the Ghosts of Mexico City
In Brazil, Listen for the Ghosts of Mexico City

June 20, 2013
One has to hearken back to 1968 in Mexico City, when thousands of students and workers marched against the Olympics, to find a sports-related demonstration that compares to the size and militancy of the mass anti-World Cup/Olympic uprising taking place in Brazil.The lessons are not all happy ones.