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English Soccer Players Take a Knee
English Soccer Players Take a Knee

December 9, 2020
Two Queen’s Park Rangers players looked directly at Millwall supporters and took a knee in a show of radical defiance.

‘Sports Illustrated’ Chose the Wrong Activist Athletes
‘Sports Illustrated’ Chose the Wrong Activist Athletes

December 7, 2020
The real Sportspeople of the Year aren’t merely “activist athletes”; they are those who expanded the very definition of the phrase.

The Baltimore Ravens’ Cautionary Covid Tale
The Baltimore Ravens’ Cautionary Covid Tale

December 3, 2020
With two dozen players on the NFL’s Covid list, the Ravens are a pitch-perfect example of how not to do sports during a pandemic.

The Politics of Maradona’s Iconic ‘Hand of God’ Goal
The Politics of Maradona’s Iconic ‘Hand of God’ Goal

November 30, 2020
In the 1986 World Cup, Maradona etched himself not only in sports history but also in political history.

Diego Maradona: Comrade of the Global South
Diego Maradona: Comrade of the Global South

November 25, 2020
As much as for his genius with the soccer ball, he will be remembered for his willingness to fight power and be a voice for the voiceless.

The Olympic Machine Meets With Protest in Tokyo
The Olympic Machine Meets With Protest in Tokyo

November 23, 2020
The coronavirus’s presence changes the equation of the Tokyo Olympics for organizers and activists alike.

Colin Kaepernick Speaks Out for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Colin Kaepernick Speaks Out for Mumia Abu-Jamal

November 18, 2020
The exiled quarterback stands up for an imprisoned revolutionary, bringing Mumia’s case into the current moment.

Tweaking the NFL’s Rooney Rule Is Not Enough
Tweaking the NFL’s Rooney Rule Is Not Enough

November 13, 2020
Unless players and fans confront the NFL’s racist hiring practices, the league will never change.

Who Will Be the Marcus Rashford of the USA?
Who Will Be the Marcus Rashford of the USA?

November 11, 2020
The 23-year-old UK soccer star is fighting for government intervention to end hunger. This is desperately needed in the United States.

Athletes Are No Substitute for a Functioning Government
Athletes Are No Substitute for a Functioning Government

November 5, 2020
Patrick Mahomes and LeBron James have tried to help people vote this election season, but it’s not their job.