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Will Charlottesville Provoke White Athletes to Stand Up Against Racist Hate?
Will Charlottesville Provoke White Athletes to Stand Up Against Racist Hate?

August 14, 2017
Want to demoralize the fascist right? We need their white athletic heroes telling them to go to hell.

Activists Are Rallying for Colin Kaepernick, but Aiming Far Higher Than One Man’s Career
Activists Are Rallying for Colin Kaepernick, but Aiming Far Higher Than One Man’s Career

August 9, 2017
Protesters will rally for racial justice and free speech outside the NFL headquarters on August 23.

An Elite Soccer Team Protests ICE After Their Teammate Is Detained
An Elite Soccer Team Protests ICE After Their Teammate Is Detained

August 7, 2017
Lizandro Claros had a soccer scholarship waiting for him, but Trump’s agenda turned a promising future on its head.

Colin Kaepernick Finally Has a Shot at Getting Signed, but a High-Profile Trump Apologist Stands in His Way
Colin Kaepernick Finally Has a Shot at Getting Signed, but a High-Profile Trump Apologist Stands in His Way

August 2, 2017
The embattled quarterback is often derided as “divisive”—but it’s Ray Lewis who is dividing Baltimore.

New Concussion Report Calls the NFL’s Future Into Question
New Concussion Report Calls the NFL’s Future Into Question

July 26, 2017
Dr. McKee looked at the brains of 202 former football players and 87 percent of them were found to have the condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Rio’s Olympic Legacy: A Body Count
Rio’s Olympic Legacy: A Body Count

July 24, 2017
The current calamity in Rio was predictable. Every prospective Olympic city, especially Los Angeles, should be warned.

O.J.’s Parole: A Fitting End to the ‘Fifth Quarter’
O.J.’s Parole: A Fitting End to the ‘Fifth Quarter’

July 20, 2017
The decision to parole O.J. Simpson will rankle some, but it was correct and just.

Johnny Manziel: The NFL Owners’ ‘Good Boy’
Johnny Manziel: The NFL Owners’ ‘Good Boy’

July 17, 2017
In Colin Kaepernick, NFL owners see a threat. In Johnny Manziel, they see themselves.

Cavaliers Owner Dan Gilbert: Cleveland’s Corporate-Welfare King
Cavaliers Owner Dan Gilbert: Cleveland’s Corporate-Welfare King

July 13, 2017
The City Council of Cleveland is siding with the billionaire against the people it represents in an outrageous $200 million corporate-welfare stadium scam.

Venus Williams, a Car Accident, and the Outrageous Police Response
Venus Williams, a Car Accident, and the Outrageous Police Response

July 10, 2017
The tennis legend was publicly blamed for a man’s death, only to be exonerated thanks to TMZ. Something is wrong with this picture.