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Will FIFA Ever Stand Up to Israeli Teams in Illegal Settlements?
Will FIFA Ever Stand Up to Israeli Teams in Illegal Settlements?

March 9, 2017
Human-rights organizations have a simple demand for FIFA: Follow your own bylaws.

Colin Kaepernick Has Not Stopped Fighting Injustice Just Because He’s Stopped Kneeling
Colin Kaepernick Has Not Stopped Fighting Injustice Just Because He’s Stopped Kneeling

March 6, 2017
The scathing criticism aimed at Colin Kaepernick for ending his protests of the national anthem is hypocrisy writ large.

My-King Johnson Is the First Openly Gay Scholarship Football Player in History
My-King Johnson Is the First Openly Gay Scholarship Football Player in History

March 2, 2017
His story represents the future of LGBT athletes.

‘Where Did You Get Your Name From?’ Muhammad Ali Jr. Is Detained by Immigration Officials
‘Where Did You Get Your Name From?’ Muhammad Ali Jr. Is Detained by Immigration Officials

February 25, 2017
This president extolled Muhammad Ali upon his death and now passes policies that detain his son. 

The Towering Legacy of Ed Garvey
The Towering Legacy of Ed Garvey

February 22, 2017
The former NFL Players’ Union Leader and Progressive hall-of-famer passed away this week at the age of 76.

Why the NBA Is in Revolt Against Trump
Why the NBA Is in Revolt Against Trump

February 20, 2017
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver tried to head off a political awakening, and instead stoked its flames. 

Why Michael Bennett Walked Away From the NFL’s Israel Delegation
Why Michael Bennett Walked Away From the NFL’s Israel Delegation

February 13, 2017
Michael Bennett plans to visit Israel soon, but only if Palestinian people aren’t rendered invisible.

Super Bowl Winners Like Martellus Bennett Are Refusing to Go to the White House
Super Bowl Winners Like Martellus Bennett Are Refusing to Go to the White House

February 10, 2017
Four Patriots players have declined Trump’s invitation—so far. 

Open Letter to NFL Players Traveling to Israel on a Trip Organized by Netanyahu’s Government
Open Letter to NFL Players Traveling to Israel on a Trip Organized by Netanyahu’s Government

February 9, 2017
“Palestinians have for decades been fighting policies similar to the ones people are protesting in cities across the United States.”

Political Fervor Thrums Beneath the Super Bowl’s Surface
Political Fervor Thrums Beneath the Super Bowl’s Surface

February 5, 2017
The game was historic. But the history being made off the field was reflected throughout Super Bowl Sunday.