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6 Times Athletes Spoke Out in Support of #BlackLivesMatter This Week
6 Times Athletes Spoke Out in Support of #BlackLivesMatter This Week

July 8, 2016
Their statements have the potential to reach an important audience.

Rio’s Police Say ‘Welcome To Hell’
Rio’s Police Say ‘Welcome To Hell’

July 6, 2016
The Olympics are providing police with an opportunity to push for higher wages. Yet their violence in poor communities goes undiscussed.

Kevin Durant and the Discomfort With Player Power
Kevin Durant and the Discomfort With Player Power

July 5, 2016
The NBA star has been pilloried for going to the Golden State Warriors. But the collective anger says more about us than him.

Front Row for the Fall of England
Front Row for the Fall of England

June 29, 2016
England’s soccer loss to Iceland in the European Championships adds insult to injury in the wake of Brexit.

LeBron James Wins His Own Rumble in the Jungle
LeBron James Wins His Own Rumble in the Jungle

June 20, 2016
Muhammad Ali staked his claim to the title of the Greatest when he beat George Foreman at the Rumble in the Jungle. LeBron James just gave us the sequel.

Read What Malcolm X’s Daughter Said at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral
Read What Malcolm X’s Daughter Said at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral

June 17, 2016
Her words demand to be read and reread, to better understand the past as well as where we need to go.

‘Sleep Easy, My Brother’
‘Sleep Easy, My Brother’

June 15, 2016
Muhammad Ali's funeral was an unforgettable celebration of a man who gave people the courage to speak their truth.

The Orlando Killings and the Message of Muhammad Ali’s Funeral
The Orlando Killings and the Message of Muhammad Ali’s Funeral

June 12, 2016
The people who witnessed Ali’s interfaith service need to take its lessons forward in a post-Orlando world.

Muhammad Ali’s Funeral Was His Last Act of Resistance
Muhammad Ali’s Funeral Was His Last Act of Resistance

June 10, 2016
The powerful gather in Louisville to pay their respects to someone they tried to destroy, but couldn’t.

Andrew Cuomo Would Have Blacklisted Muhammad Ali
Andrew Cuomo Would Have Blacklisted Muhammad Ali

June 8, 2016
Governor Cuomo’s executive action to create a blacklist of those who stand with the Palestinian people would have undoubtedly caught Muhammad Ali in its web.