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Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘Don’t Tear Gas the Tourists!’
Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘Don’t Tear Gas the Tourists!’

June 16, 2014
One of the biggest story lines heading into this year's World Cup was the protests that had the potential to leave a huge black mark on the best sporting event in the world. Instead, the streets have been filled with more party than protest. 

Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘No One Lives Here Anymore’
Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘No One Lives Here Anymore’

June 15, 2014
The Marcaña is one of the more gorgeous sights in all of Brazil. It will also be the sight to the World Cup Final, one of the most spectacular sporting events we have today. But just outside the walls of the legendary stadium, the beauty turns to blight. 

A Historic Goal for Palestine
A Historic Goal for Palestine

June 5, 2014
WHEN WE speak of the great "droughts" in sports, our minds drift toward baseball's Chicago Cubs, the NFL's Cleveland Browns and hockey's star-crossed Toronto Maple Leafs. Yet there has never been a more harrowing athletic drought--rife with pain, pathos and perseverance--quite like that of the Palestinian national soccer team.

John Carlos Stands Up to an NFL Slur
John Carlos Stands Up to an NFL Slur

June 5, 2014
The NFL may say officially that “Redskins” “is not a slur,” but 1968 bronze medalist and medal-stand protester John Carlos, a man who has had more than a few invectives tossed his way over the years, disagrees.

Pure Poison: The UCSB Shooting, Ray Rice and a Culture of Violence Against Women
Pure Poison: The UCSB Shooting, Ray Rice and a Culture of Violence Against Women

May 29, 2014
I try to look at the ways in which violence against women is excused and glossed over in professional sports, sending messages to their young, male audiences that this is somehow just part of being like their game-time heroes. This weekend, the day before the shooting, saw yet another one of those moments that should make the National Football League burn with shame, and take account for the role they play in creating this culture.

Pelé Said What?
Pelé Said What?

May 24, 2014
By criticizing the 2014 World Cup and the spending priorities of the Brazilian government, soccer legend Pelé has accomplished the rarest of feats in twenty-first-century sports media: he has shown the capacity to shock and surprise.

‘There Will Be No World Cup’: Brazil on the Brink
‘There Will Be No World Cup’: Brazil on the Brink

May 19, 2014
For people just tuning in, the idea that people in Brazil would be protesting the 2014 World Cup makes about as much sense as New Yorkers’ rebelling against pizza. And yet here we are, less than one month before the start of the Cup, and demonstrations bear the slogan #NãoVaiTerCopa, or “There will be no Cup.”

Donald Sterling and Anderson Cooper: Meet the Wolf of Crenshaw
Donald Sterling and Anderson Cooper: Meet the Wolf of Crenshaw

May 13, 2014
The question still lingers every time Adam Silver issues another apology to Magic Johnson. It lingers as owners find the highest of possible high horses to condemn Sterling’s latest embarrassment. It lingers when former Commissioner David Stern—assumedly from retirement in Colonel Kurtz’s old compound—praises Silver’s actions: Why was Donald Sterling coddled for so long? Why were all of his words and deeds—deep in racism, rich with misogyny—ignored by the NBA? 

Michael Sam Gets Drafted, and the NFL Has Issues
Michael Sam Gets Drafted, and the NFL Has Issues

May 11, 2014
If Michael Sam’s sexuality’s being an inhibitor to his draft status is not your starting point for understanding all of this, I believe you’re lost without a compass. This is not to argue that all general managers in the NFL are homophobic. It’s not about what kinds of prejudice lurks in the hearts of individual executives. It’s about a systemic problem in an NFL that loathes independent thinkers, fears political controversy, and hates “distractions.”

No Sympathy for Shelly Sterling
No Sympathy for Shelly Sterling

May 5, 2014
Doc Rivers gave a passionate speech in which he said, “We needed that. The adversity is good for us.” If adversity is what they want, then coddling Rochelle Sterling guarantees more of the same.