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The Randy Moss Trade in All Its Idiocy
The Randy Moss Trade in All Its Idiocy

October 7, 2010
The Patriots trade of superstar wide receiver Randy Moss to the Minnesota Vikings for a third-round draft pick represents everything I despise about NFL "conventional wisdom," the New England Patriots organization and their dyspeptic toad of a head coach, Bill Belichick.

Lebron James and the Perils of Walking the Fence
Lebron James and the Perils of Walking the Fence

October 4, 2010
The uproar around NBA star Lebron James's recent comments about race and racism highlight the fact that you don't raise such concerns without paying a price.

Linda McMahon's Body Count
Linda McMahon's Body Count

September 29, 2010
Linda McMahon says she is running for the US Senate from Connecticut because she wants to "put people first." Those people clearly don't include the people who made her a billionaire; the wrestlers of World Wrestling Entertainment.

The Collapsing of the Commonwealth Games
The Collapsing of the Commonwealth Games

September 24, 2010
Injury. Death. Destruction. Despair. Deficits. None of these things have stopped the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. But risk to the health of the athletes? Strike up the concern.

World Cup Hangover Hits South Africa
World Cup Hangover Hits South Africa

September 14, 2010
The 2010 World Cup was without question a major sporting success for South Africa. The gleaming fields opened on schedule, new airports welcomed scores of visitors and disparate groups of South Africans who usually self-segregate exalted together in public. But the party's over. The country was recently hit with massive strikes involving 1.3 million public sector workers, including the teachers, civil service workers and health workers. The public sector strike contained a series of particularly shocking moments for South Africans and international observers. This included scenes of striking workers marching through a police line while sounding the World Cup’s iconic vuvuzela, only to be shot by the police officers' rubber bullets.

NFL Opener Becomes Site of Solidarity
NFL Opener Becomes Site of Solidarity

September 11, 2010
The opening of the NFL season witnessed perhaps the most public display of solidarity in US history. Seriously.

The Summer of Our Sporting Discontent
The Summer of Our Sporting Discontent

September 8, 2010
By any measure this country is in an ugly mood. Double-digit unemployment and a growing sense that the environment, economy, and empire are heading south, has Americans walking with a stoop and a scowl. We have seen this mood become a temper-tantrum in the world of sports.

Bud Selig: A Civil Rights Icon for Our Times… just like Beck
Bud Selig: A Civil Rights Icon for Our Times… just like Beck

September 2, 2010
A group of Milwaukee activists asked Bud Selig why the 2011 All-Star Game was going to be played in Arizona. The answer issued by his public relations firm needs to be read to be believed.

Don’t do it Albert! A Plea for Albert Pujols to not attend Glenn Beck’s Rally on the Mall
Don’t do it Albert! A Plea for Albert Pujols to not attend Glenn Beck’s Rally on the Mall

August 27, 2010
As a person who believes strongly that athletes shouldn’t just “shut up and play,” and have a responsibility to speak out on political issues, I’ve been asked if it’s hypocritical to ask Pujols not to attend Beck's rally. Hardly. Pujols is more than just the finest Major League hitter of his generation, and the third youngest man to ever hit 400 home runs. He also emerged recently as the most prominent voice in Major League Baseball against Arizona’s anti-immigrant racial profiling law SB 1070.

Revelations of Rot: Behind Baseball's Corporate Crime Wave
Revelations of Rot: Behind Baseball's Corporate Crime Wave

August 26, 2010
Let’s look at what we have before us: leaked documents that by all accounts should be part of the public record; an alarming snapshot of corruption, waste, and fraud that connects the seamiest worlds of politics and big business; calls to prosecute whoever might be responsible for daring to drag truth into the light of day.   No, this isn’t a summary of the “WikiLeaks scandal” that exposed the brutal facts that surround the US quagmire in Afghanistan. It's Major League Baseball...